Greg Boddy: GGFL’s Newest Partner

Greg Boddy: GGFL’s Newest Partner - GGFL is delighted to announce that Greg Boddy has joined the firm’s partner team. Greg, who joined GGFL as a co-op student in 2011, is currently Assurance & Advisory Services principal. He joins the partner team on January 1. “Greg is dedicated to client service and is well-respected both inside the firm and externally,” said

GGFL is delighted to announce that Greg Boddy has joined the firm’s partner team.

Greg, who joined GGFL as a co-op student in 2011, is currently Assurance & Advisory Services principal. He joins the partner team on January 1.

“Greg is dedicated to client service and is well-respected both inside the firm and externally,” said Managing Partner Josh Engel. “He leads with a quiet confidence that resonates with people, whether in his communication with clients or training and coaching staff.

“He’s also the ultimate team player,” added Josh. “He embodies GGFL’s core values of expertise, trusting relationships, continuous Improvement and accountability. As we like to say at GGFL, he bleeds green. We’re excited to have him at the partner table.”

A feature of the recent GGFL holiday party, was a fun Academy Awards-style ceremony. It came as no surprise to anyone on staff—except perhaps to Greg—that he scooped the Core Values and Trusting Relationships category.

When it comes to GGFL, Greg is both team player and cheerleader.

“GGFL is a fantastic place to work,” he said. “We’re a large enough firm to have all the resources that I could ever need, but small enough so you’re not just a number lost in a sea of other numbers.

“Everyone’s a whole person.,” he added. “We know each other. We know each other’s hobbies and interests and know about each other’s families. And we can have fun and joke around together. So it’s the people who make GGFL a great place to work, and the clients we have that makes the work so rewarding.

“We employ so many new graduates—people that are growing in their career. If I can contribute, even in a small way, to their career growth it’s a reward for me. We all start our careers focusing on our own individual career progression and achievements, but at a certain point you transition your thinking to how can your career help others. I’m at the point where I am extremely motivated to help others, whether that be my clients, my community, or my colleagues in their career growth.”

Greg says he also strives to be a connector.

“What drives me in this industry is helping clients,” he said. “I’d love for my clients to see me as someone they can call if they need advice. That doesn’t necessarily mean I have all the answers, but I can point them to others who are best suited to help them.”

Community and team work are also key to Greg’s professional philosophy.

“Our clients are members of my local community—entrepreneurs and family owned businesses. When I help them, I’m helping the community and making it a better place to live. You don’t get that level of connection in larger accounting firms.

“I’m a big believer in being a team player and having my team involved in all aspects of what we do,” he added. “I think that belief in the team is also what I’ll bring to the partner table—and hopefully some new ideas.”

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